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NASA发布全球空气质量地图 中国空气全球最差

发布者: waterok | 发布时间: 2010-9-26 20:01| 查看数: 6618| 评论数: 3|帖子模式

NASA发布全球空气质量地图 中国空气全球最差2010-09-26 11:10:04 来源: 网易探索
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网易探索9月26日报道 在许多发展中国家,由于缺乏完善的地面监测网络,许多关于空气污染的评估并不准确,而现在,NASA的科学家们发布了一张全球空气质量地图,向我们展示了长期来全球低于2.5微米的悬浮颗粒分布状况。
, D1 h/ b" L' W$ @. ]悬浮颗粒(Particulate)泛指悬浮在气体当中的微细固体或液体。对于环境科学来说,悬浮粒子特指空气中那些微细污染物,它们是空气污染的一个主要来源。当中小于10微米直径的悬浮粒子,被定义为可吸入悬浮粒子,它们能够聚积在肺部,危害人类健康。直径小于2.5微米的颗粒,对人体危害最大,因为它可以直接进入肺泡。科学家用PM2.5表示每立方米空气中这种颗粒的含量,这个值越高,就代表空气污染越严重。) K9 t8 Q( e; j' y1 ?5 y
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7 ]2 \: ?% `' z# Y  a+ b- r8 j: l在这张2001-2006年间平均全球空气污染形势图上,全球PM2.5最高的地区在北非和中国的华北、华东、华中全部。世界卫生组织(WHO)认为,PM2.5小于10是安全值,中国的这些地区全部高于50接近80,比撒哈拉沙漠还要高很多。
) @8 j7 a+ K# I  ]9 k: D( t而颗粒物的来源,现在还无法准确评估,有些可能是人为,有些则可能是自然原因。环境学家估计,在阿拉伯和撒哈拉,悬浮颗粒可能是由天然矿物粉尘构成,而在中国东部和印度北部,更有可能是发电厂、工厂以及汽车排放的烟尘颗粒所造成。下一步,科学家们将尝试建立完善的地面监测网络,准确测量这些悬浮颗粒的来源以及对人体健康的具体影响。' V& t- B4 m3 V8 }6 ^7 J7 O- u

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waterok 发表于 2010-9-26 20:02
3 v5 P9 H$ G) Q, [9 ?" h& h( t! Y* K2 F% ?1 g8 }

$ q+ }. U& Q$ J0 N) f6 ]6 Q4 BNew Map Offers a Global View of Health-Sapping Air Pollution09.22.10 In many developing countries, the absence of surface-based air pollution sensors makes it difficult, and in some cases impossible, to get even a rough estimate of the abundance of a subcategory of airborne particles that epidemiologists suspect contributes to millions of premature deaths each year. The problematic particles, called fine particulate matter (PM2.5), are 2.5 micrometers or less in diameter, about a tenth the fraction of human hair. These small particles can get past the body’s normal defenses and penetrate deep into the lungs.8 {1 }  d) _3 m; R) J; U

% Y2 _# ^; m( y8 y( q: y( P  TTo fill in these gaps in surface-based PM2.5 measurements, experts look toward satellites to provide a global perspective. Yet, satellite instruments have generally struggled to achieve accurate measurements of the particles in near-surface air. The problem: Most satellite instruments can't distinguish particles close to the ground from those high in the atmosphere. In addition, clouds tend to obscure the view. And bright land surfaces, such as snow, desert sand, and those found in certain urban areas can mar measurements./ F- `8 x/ i' V; L$ L# e: g$ K* w
: S1 B* j" o* M: C" K
However, the view got a bit clearer this summer with the publication of the first long-term global map of PM2.5 in a recent issue of Environmental Health Perspectives. Canadian researchers Aaron van Donkelaar and Randall Martin at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, created the map by blending total-column aerosol amount measurements from two NASA satellite instruments with information about the vertical distribution of aerosols from a computer model.
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redeast 发表于 2010-9-26 23:51
" Y6 C4 S9 D9 c8 d
. ^2 x+ ?6 G/ x2 a6 J不过这些技术只能自己研发了,老外不需要。
qdh888 发表于 2010-10-6 09:45

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