Running short of softening capacity. You have checked the system set up vs. water conditions and family size, but that hasn't led to the cause of the condition. A number of conditions can cause this situation.
; L" G3 Y/ D6 v( O- h! G达不到软化系统的总交换容量:你已经检查了系统的设置,水质状况和家庭的用水量,但是找不到导致这个问题的原因。以下的状态可能会导致这个问题的发生
: M( b- u- l1 |9 j3 P; V* D1. The water softener system could be short-brining itself due to the salt “mushing” at the bottom of the brine tank. This situation can occur when the salt breaks down into a fine slurry at the bottom of the brine tank. 6 s& S9 D/ k7 s. W7 d+ ~% @# g
1.软水机系统可能因为盐箱底部的碎盐(盐糊)所导致本身吸入的盐量不够。当盐在盐箱底部的盐浆中分解的时候这种情况可能会发生% K/ X' `# O$ ^0 ^7 Z
Or, when the control valve goes into the brine draw cycle, it can draw the brine from the brine well faster than it can flow into this area. The air check shuts off before all the brine solution has been drawn out. Unfortunately, the brine tank will have to be cleaned out.
7 r8 w6 J" L0 k% Q5 i或者,当控制阀进入吸盐环节,控制阀通过盐井吸入的盐水快于盐水进入这个区域的速度。空气逆止阀就会在所有的盐水被吸完之前关闭。不幸的事,这个时候就将必须把盐箱清理干净来解决这个问题
- R7 [' H/ a4 y; T- q) `& ~2. The brine refill system on the control valve is not allowing enough water back into the brine tank. There are generally flow controls on the brine refill mechanism and they can range from 0.25 to .05 gpm. If they become fouled due to debris, the refill rate will be restricted, a smaller amount of brine will be made and your softening capacity will be reduced. 2 y. |! U/ s: \3 `# I6 X% B
控制阀上面的补水系统没有向盐箱中补足够多的水。通常情况,在补水机构中将会有流量控制,并且流量控制的范围从0.25-0.5gpm。如果流量控制片被水中的垃圾污染,补水流速就会受到限制,更少的盐水产生并且导致你的软水系统产水量较少' J3 D/ t, b9 B$ f
3. The addition of an RO drinking water system will consume some of the system’s capacity. The low flow rates of an RO system generally are not picked up by demand meter systems. You will have to adjust the meter settings or days of regeneration for time clock units. % w8 H3 j" p) k+ g5 r8 J
附加的Ro饮水系统将会消耗一些系统容量,因为ro系统的低流速,导致流量感应系统没有采集流量信息。你将必须调整流量计设定或者如果是时间型的系统,调整再生周期。) }& Z; I/ s* T2 f$ ~7 ?
4. Leaking faucets or the float shut-off valve in a toilet tank will also reduce a systems softening capacity. A pint-per-minute leak down the toilet overflow will not be seen or heard; generally it will not be picked up by a demand meter system, but results in 180 gallons per day additional usage. It’s like adding two additional people to a family.
& r- \- e/ M! l0 e8 m d9 [1 {水龙头或者马桶的浮球阀泄漏也会减少软水系统的容量。1 品脱/分钟的泄漏量将不会被看到或者听到;通常状况下这些流量信息也不会被流量感应系统采集到,但是会导致每天180gal的水用掉。这个就像是家庭增加了2个人一样。
: M6 F9 G7 |, V* c9 A5. Salt bridging in a brine tank can slowly reduce a systems capacity. A brine tank creates a very humid condition and the salt will absorb the moisture. A damp basement or humid summer weather will add to this condition. If a unit does not regenerate often, or when the home heating system starts being used, it can dry out the salt. The salt can turn rock hard, stick to the side of the brine tank (as one large mass) and it will not drop into the water below. There will be no saturated brine available, resulting in hard water. Unfortunately again, digging the hard salt out is the only solution.
) S; r4 ^! J' C盐箱中的盐桥现象能够慢慢的减少系统地交换容量。盐箱中间制造了一个非常潮湿的环境并且盐会吸收这些潮气。潮湿的地下室或者湿气很重的夏天天气将会加重这个环境。如果系统没有经常再生或者家里面的加热系统启用,这样就会把盐干燥。这个时候盐就会变得和岩石一样坚硬,会附着在盐箱壁上(像一个大的盐堆)并且不会跌落到下面的水中。这样就不会有饱和的盐水产生,最终导致硬水。同样不幸的是,挖出变硬的盐是唯一的解决方法。- p( [1 V+ G' p- j
6. The family could be just heavier-than-normal water users. Most water treatment dealers estimate usage of 75 to 100 gallons per day per person when setting up equipment that requires a calculated reserve setting. However, some families use 150 to 200 gallons per day per person. This will require talking to the homeowner about their general past and current water usage. They may have two or three teenagers who stay in the shower until all the hot water is gone. 3 h6 r4 L+ X, B: b5 @
As mentioned earlier, checking the salt and water level in a brine tank can guide you in solving a system’s problem. Dealers often ask, “How high should the water level be in a brine tank?” You have brine tank systems set up with grids and without grids. Each has its own calculation. ( ]* M) J, k0 Y6 ?
这个家庭有可能正好用水量相比普通家庭较大,大多数的水处理设备的商家在设置设备时 预估用水量为75-100gal 每人每天 来作为设定参数的基础。虽然如此,一些家庭的用水量达到150-200 gal每人每天。这个就需要去了解房东他们过去和现在的一般用水量。他们家里有可能有2-3个10多岁的年轻人,他们喜欢待在花洒下面直到所有的热水被使用光。
5 S& d9 G) I, c: x% k正如之前提起到的,检查盐箱中的水和盐的高度可以知道你解决系统中的问题。经销商经常问:盐箱中的水位应该是什么样子的? 你的盐箱系统里面有带盐格栅的也有不带盐格栅的。他们有各自的计算方式
! c; K' o+ T" m8 [% ?* ]8 R# NThere is some confusion as to how much salt is dissolved per gallon of water. A gallon of water will dissolve approximately 3 pounds of salt. A gallon of saturated brine will contain approximately 2.6 pounds of salt — what’s the difference? If you take 1 gallon of water (room temperature) and add 3 pounds of salt and stir it until all the salt is in solution, you will now have more than 1 gallon of liquid. Take 1 gallon of this solution and it will contain approximately 2.6 pounds of salt.
$ A8 E7 @6 A8 Q( ~0 ?在每加仑水能够溶解多少盐的问题上有一些混淆:一加仑水大约可以溶解3磅的盐;1加仑的饱和盐水中间大约含有2.6磅的盐—这中间有什么区别? 如果你取1加仑的水(室温状态下)并且添加3磅的盐进去,搅拌直到盐溶解掉。你将会得到大于1加仑的液体。取1加仑的溶液,那么其中将含有大约2.6磅的盐。
3 V6 ] }2 x( j4 HIn brine tanks with no grid, use the following examples to help make your calculations. For example, in an 18-inch-diameter brine tank, each inch of liquid is approximately 1 gallon. When you add enough salt to just cover the liquid, you will increase the liquid height by three times. A unit with a 9-pound salt setting will put 3 gallons of water back into the brine tank (3 inches) after a regeneration. The brine level will be approximately 9 inches when salt is added.
5 }. s: @. w3 u, M, z! c) p如果盐箱里面没有盐格栅,使用下面的例子来帮助你计算:比如在一个18英寸直径的盐箱里面,每英寸的液体大约有1加仑。当你加入足够多的盐来覆盖液体以后,也提高度将会增加3倍。一个需要9磅盐再生的系统需要在再生结束后返回3加仑的水到盐箱中(3英寸高度)。当盐备加入以后,盐水的高度大约在9英寸高。( O. y+ h) S4 b
In another example using a 24-inch-diameter brine tank, each inch is approximately 2 gallons. Using a 60-pound salt setting, this system will require 20 gallons of water, which will be approximately 10 inches in height in the 24-inch-diameter tank. Add salt and the brine level will be approximately 30 inches.
! i( O* r& R! ?, M D% v在另外一个24英寸直接的盐箱里面,每英寸高度对应2加仑的水。对于一个需要60磅盐再生的系统来讲,这个系统需要补20加仑的水,也就是在这个盐箱中对应大约10英寸的高度。加入盐以后,盐水的高度大约在30英寸高。, K- [; n7 P- V2 _/ n4 Q# N% _( ~
These heights will vary due to how far the brine pickup system is raised off the bottom; the type of salt being used; and the distance from the bottom of the brine pickup assembly to where the air check shuts off brine draw. & i& J3 F5 f4 s9 j3 j) |2 p6 w
这些高度会根据以下原因而出现变化:吸盐装置距离盐箱底部的距离,食用盐的种类,吸盐装置的空气逆止部件关闭吸盐口的位置高度。 X+ N- b$ V8 W* t9 T. C d
In brine tanks with grids, the brine tank refill water level has to be above the top of the grid to make up brine (minimum of 1 inch-2 inch). The grid height plus the water level above the grid times three will give the approximate total brine height.
( \: ?, `9 o( c在一个有盐格栅的盐箱中,向盐箱中补的水量需要高于盐格栅的面以便于制造盐水(最少需要1-2英寸高)。盐格栅的高度加上盐格栅上面的水的高度一起 需要是盐格栅高度的3倍---这个标准将大约给出盐水的总高度。
0 P/ A9 C* [1 l' z! Y! m# |Applying this to the above example for an 18-inch-diameter tank having a 5-inch grid assembly and a 9-pound salt setting, the refill water would never reach the grid platform. The 3 inches of refill water (9 pounds of salt) would be 2 inches short of touching the grid. The brine pickup assembly is raised off the bottom 2.5 inches to 3 inches to compensate for this.
$ |" W# n3 ?( F% L9 U( C应用到以上的例子,一个18英寸直径的盐箱配一个5英寸高的盐格栅,如果盐的设定量是9磅,那么补的水将达不到盐格栅的高度。补的水有3英寸高(溶解9磅的盐)将距离盐格栅的表面有2英寸的距离。吸盐装置可以提升2.5-3英寸的高度来补偿这个问题。% J1 ?& x& P5 X% O$ K
In the second example with the 24-inch-diameter brine tank, determine the height a grid should be for a 60-pound salt setting. The 60 pounds of salt requires 20 gallons of water, which has a height of 10 inches (2 gallons per inch) in the 24-inch tank. If you want 2 inches of water above the grid, the grid legs should be cut at 8 inches. The approximate total height of brine level would then be 8 inches (below the grid) + 2 inches (above the grid) X 3 = 14 inches. You have dropped the brine level by one-half for the same salt setting. - c' w/ Q" w! o! `1 ]
在第二个例子当中,使用的是24英寸直径的盐箱,根据60磅盐的量来觉得盐格栅的高度。60磅盐需要20加仑的水来溶解,在24英寸盐箱中的高度大约10英寸(每英寸大约2加仑水),如果想要水的高度在盐格栅上方2英寸,那么盐格栅的腿长应该在8英寸。盐水的总高度大约为8英寸(盐格栅以下)+ 2英寸(盐格栅以上)x3 =14英寸。相比没有盐格栅的情况,你已经把盐水的高度降到1/2高度了。
3 b) g, j/ [: |9 k( f8 U" T# mThe above information can vary somewhat for different types of systems and water conditions, but will help guide you to other problem areas that go beyond the normal service items.
3 k. d p4 }5 o以上的信息根据不同类型的系统和水质状况有些许不同,但是可以指导你发现其他一些隐藏在正常使用中的问题. |