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[知识问答] [ZT]软化水是不是适于饮用?(软水可以饮用吗?)

发表于 2006-1-19 13:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://www.wqa.org/sitelogic.cfm?ID=1703: k( r/ i4 f2 N% K' M

( Z: _  A# M4 j% G9 n) QPosted 1/17/06
" Z% E8 W8 U6 R+ Q8 ^/ SUPDATE: Water utility pulls soft water misinformation offline after WQA complaint
! I3 P. Z! K" a5 A7 M. o* Q" [$ u, q! n  o; d
Publicity generated by the Water Quality Association (WQA) has led a major US city’s water utility to remove misstatements about softened water from their Web site.
9 z9 Q$ t% o0 T4 d8 H# R: s1 E& D7 X9 ^( h: d
Last November, a number of WQA members alerted us to an online article entitled “Soft Water: It’s Not for Drinking,” posted by a water utility. The article included a number of incorrect statements about water softening and the affects of consuming softened water.
# {, {  ?# ]* l% o8 x6 {/ L0 X1 Q( T1 Z3 Q
In response, WQA Technical Director Joseph F. Harrison, PE, CWS-VI, wrote a letter to the utility’s public information offer, refuting the article’s claims line by line, citing the Environmental Protection Agency research and other sources. Harrison ultimately requested the information be removed from the water agency’s Web site.
8 r( Z! u5 z! b% u3 ]4 `8 O7 X8 b. E; W0 I; ^
The letter went unanswered until WQA published an article on the matter in the January 2006 edition of WQA Industry Update and on our Web site. That article was later picked up by another water industry publication, which further generated attention.( y$ z* Q* `: r# ~* O1 Z1 q3 [

2 O6 |# p5 M$ T5 c$ ]+ GAs a result, the public information officer for the water agency has pulled the article. She has since asked her staff to work with the WQA to clear up any misleading or inaccurate information about softened water.
: j& a& \% g8 Z- B$ W8 N3 `7 ^; ]1 F( s9 y0 V; n
Editor’s Note: I light of the water utility granting our request to pull the article, we have removed the names of both the public water utility and its information officer from the original article, below.
' }( r' G/ @- h# r! c1 u7 m1 g6 W& o6 U8 X% ^- I
WQA challenges soft water misinformation posted on water utility's Web site
4 p1 G. @2 Y* N; k  j+ S0 x
! L$ z$ H8 I% v5 ?+ E& UOriginally posted 1/9/06, updated 1/17/06# z" `/ Z) J( F# ^7 ], z

! V4 i- @7 F: `0 ^' `: X4 d
6 u. {5 D1 R. b; z% }% kThe Water Quality Association has battled misinformation about water treatment since its inception — and our latest challenge is with a major US city's water department and a number of inaccuracies about water softening.
2 u* r2 {: q. C1 H& [+ n2 e% z6 i8 ?& _. T! I! n# ^6 E# j
The department has posted an article on its Web site entitled, “Soft Water: It’s Not for Drinking.” In the piece, a number of biased and inaccurate statements are made regarding water softening devices and why, in the city’s opinion, they should not be used. Among the misleading and/or false statements, the article purports that softened water more aggressively leaches metals from water lines; that softeners should be considered solely for laundry purposes; that zeolite beads may back-siphon into toilet tanks and attack vital plumbing parts; and that softeners can boost a person’s sodium intake.9 |6 d3 Z$ U$ A2 G: @( P

9 H$ Q7 V9 a- S: e, z% V0 jOn November 9, WQA Technical Director Joseph F. Harrison, PE, CWS-VI, wrote a letter to the utility's public information officer, refuting the article’s inaccuracies and requesting that the agency pull the article and refrain from publishing opinion and misinformation. The following are excerpts from that letter:. m5 \$ D" D# E! D( _
0 r2 V# `% E9 B, Z
Softening of water via cation exchange does not produce water that is corrosive or make water more damaging to plumbing. The germane question is whether sodium in water is corrosive. That is the only addition to ion exchange softened water. The answer, of course, is no. There is nothing about the chemistry of replacing calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions that affects corrosivity of water.+ V! T3 Y# ]# i" ~9 F
. m3 ?0 I1 a; I2 @7 Z4 [
An article from the August 1999 Journal AWWA entitled “Ion Exchange Softening: Effects on Metal Concentrations” ... reported on research done by the US EPA on the question of whether ion exchange softening has an effect on the corrosivity of water. The authors reported as follows: “Results showed that removing hardness ions with a household water softener did not lead to a pattern of higher metal leaching from various home plumbing materials containing lead, copper, and zinc. Furthermore, the water softener did not have a detrimental effect on several significant water quality parameters that influence metallic solubility and the rate of corrosion, i.e., pH, total inorganic carbon, dissolved oxygen, chlorine, temperature, and orthophosphate.”  v: Z- z% R) J9 P0 n+ H1 N
7 q# S) B* X( I3 }1 K% G! M
This study put to rest the unproven idea that softeners cause corrosion or the leaching of metals from water lines. Nor is there anything about sodium ions in softened water versus calcium or magnesium ions in hard water that affects the health aspects of drinking water. As your Web site says, “A softener merely exchanges one group of nontoxic elements for another group of nontoxic elements.”' {' d, L! d3 e! V$ t1 w- ~2 A
' I( K' Z# w1 D1 d
The amount of sodium content added by ion exchange softening of water (0.46 milligrams per liter of sodium for each one mg/L of total calcium carbonate equivalent water hardness removed) is truly insignificant and trivial from a health standpoint. Did you know one could use home cation exchange water softening to soften water with over 1200 mg/L of CaCO3 or 75 grains per gallon of equivalent total water hardness and still not add sodium amounts exceeding the US Food and Drug Administration’s limit for labeling a “low sodium” beverage?: x+ Q; Q  r8 |$ {& G5 F9 u

0 Y) i, ]  r  r% lRegarding the statement, “If your water is over 7 grains per gallon (gpg), you might want to consider a softener just for the laundry.” Any water hardness will noticeably affect laundry, it is true, but such water hardness also adversely affects hot water heaters, cleaning dishwashing, bathroom fixtures, and bathing. Cleaning agents will less effectively remove dirt and grime. Clothes may become dingy and gray with time, and feel harsh or scratchy. Glassware may begin to spot when dry. In the bath, films may be left on shower doors or curtains, walls, and tubs. Hair washed in hard water over one grain per gallon may look duller and not feel as clean. In the hot water heater, heat will cause any amount of calcium and magnesium in water to form some calcium and magnesium carbonate scale. This scale builds up with time, and can slow the heating process and increase the energy usage.6 m7 A: v7 s6 t% g
  A! ], ~! X7 K+ x5 m/ g
Regarding “Zeolite beads from water softening systems may back-siphon into your toilet tanks, and the soft water may attack vital plumbing parts.” These are red-herring distractions about home water softening. It is rare for resin beads to be so released. Modern water softeners have distributor screens to prevent this. If, uncommonly, some fines should sporadically get through, however, it is important to know that these beads are completely inert and innocuous.0 Q( q" N  y- x4 o; l# q
5 w0 Z" B* F0 u: ~
Regarding, “A water softener, besides leaching lead and other metals from your plumbing, can increase your sodium intake.” The insignificance of this makes your statement unduly alarming and misleading.9 n+ }/ W5 j. Y* y/ {

  j- w  e. ]& h5 @% R2 {Regarding ,“These devices can also be costly to run, since they can waste up to 120 gallons for every 1,000 delivered.” Modern efficiency-rated water softeners discharge about 50 gallons or less each regeneration, which on Metro water, would amount to 50 gallons discharged each two weeks for an average family. This is less than the waste discharge from only one load of laundry each two weeks in an automatic washer — not very costly or wasteful!- n2 b7 j, I6 r  k. J3 _* l' j& @% t
8 i" _2 e- S, a
Regarding “Soft water is great for laundry, bathing, steam irons, and auto batteries, but definitely not for anything else.” Soft water also:
! W+ X" o4 Z! e5 V$ w0 H
" w8 @9 H+ C: B    * Makes glasses, dishes, and fixtures sparkle and shine
1 p. h- N. y' u3 }0 c2 `4 E0 d. w7 {' l0 X
    * Eliminates soap curd precipitate deposits and makes for cleaner (silky feeling) skin and hair
; S/ _3 d3 H4 P1 o
$ u: K; W# B# \0 Z. [# V$ f+ \% w    * Saves considerable cleaning time
# o& C8 |% s( ?0 e. y+ l4 k: y
2 Z/ c# T2 k8 d    * Saves up to 50 percent of washing powder and soap consumption, and cuts the use of shampoos, conditioners, and cleaning products- R/ [, J, [$ L* ]' y. z1 l- p
# Z9 J  Y6 n( m8 ?) d
    * Can remove existing scale deposits in hot water systems and shower heads as well as scale around taps and stains in baths and basins0 c. B2 H" O7 M( @: K
" s9 F' w3 i2 i. R  u: w
    * Can help certain dry skin conditions such as eczema* O1 W) f2 _: \, o8 J

  y! f% K9 ^( y' b* _5 |- d  V    * Improves the efficiency of heating systems — just 1/16 inch of scale build-up in heating systems will cause a 12 percent loss in heating efficiency
5 `$ o& n& C) d' d, k2 D0 ^# g+ K7 j4 z! _4 H; L- e/ b$ W2 L
Regarding “Who will test the effectiveness of the softener, how often will these tests be run, and how will my drinking water quality be affected?” The effects of softened water can be readily observed by the homeowner. When glasses, clothes, skin, and bathroom fixtures are cleaner and easier to maintain, it is readily observed and appreciated. The same is true with the absence of scale deposits on shower heads and heating elements. However, there are also available very simple-to-use and reliable test strips to accurately measure and quantify water hardness and the effectiveness of the softener operation. Any water treatment equipment company will provide these means for any interested resident.6 O. c' P4 O) G7 l$ p4 Q
4 Y9 I% d0 o  k
It is important for everyone to accurately understand the process of ion exchange water softening and especially that water softening neither causes nor controls corrosion, nor causes any ill health./ J, |+ a* _- j+ L/ R

4 }7 N. H" l3 A& [6 qHarrison closed his comments to the water utility by stating: “This communication [on your Web site] contains statements that are not accurate and are not correct,” said Harrison. “They do a very unfair disservice to homeowners who have installed the products of WQA members or are considering the purchase of water softening equipment. Soft water is neither unhealthy nor undesirable for drinking,” he wrote.
7 H: k# ]+ ~5 X4 K4 l1 J; E* z$ w! O) x# k
This is just one of WQA’s valuable membership benefits. We have experts on staff that can help debunk myths, correct misinformation, and/or provide an opinion based on years of expertise in the water quality industry.( X5 S7 U. Z4 \& Q' y- N6 ~; G8 n
8 h2 P2 X; M4 k, @$ i2 v
If you would like one of our on-staff experts to weigh-in and contact an organization on your behalf regarding potential water quality misinformation, contact us at 630 505 0160.
发表于 2006-1-20 21:30 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-20 23:08 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 vilemoth 于 2006-1-20 21:30 发表& X- l/ c  f  l
  u8 J) _! _; [) ~# W2 v0 l9 W
4 n* q8 g: M7 [, g2 s
大意是:2005年下半年,美国有个媒体上发表了一个文章,说软化水不适于饮用,只适用于冲洗和洗衣服等,其主要的理由与大家目前了解的很多所谓的“专家”说的一样:软化水中的钙镁离子过少、钠离子过多,软化水的腐性更强等等.....: X$ ?# F  y( O! [
$ C4 Q/ }2 Z. i9 s' f. U% }6 w$ T& w4 {% J8 u: X
& Z$ U- n+ f& j8 _3 ?- q' Z# b& d/ J3 R
5 }* g) e9 G: p2 T" P0 Y: r* Y* R5 w, ~, S' R; L+ X7 ]
发表于 2006-1-21 09:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-1-21 12:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-3 17:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-11 13:20 | 显示全部楼层
更新:经过WQA(美国水质协会) 的控诉,water utility(美国水公司)将误解软水的一篇报道从网站上取消
" P2 |& D0 \' K, L% h5 F  O
& M* b' c2 N6 h2 k* n问题公开产生的原因是WQA让美国水公司的一篇误解软水的文章从他们的网站上取消
/ n1 X0 X. L8 O" k
. C. b7 P8 n0 @$ _# @& z去年11月,许多WQA成员警告我们说有一篇由水公司发布的,标题为:"软水,不要喝"的网上文章.这篇文章在软化水和饮用软化水后的影响方面,包含了一些不正确的陈述.
& @4 B4 f" V" [
' N, a9 r; L' o( Y' C% ~2 T! Z5 F5 y在回应方面,WQA的技术主管Joseph F. Harrison, PE, CWS-VI,写了一封信给水公司的公共信息部门,引用了环境保护机构的研究数据和其他一些信息,逐行的反驳这篇文章.Harrison最后还要求他们将这篇文章从他们的网站上取消. ( C* j0 R; a% c2 u
$ V* H2 [$ e5 d# m" p
直到2006年1月WQA公布了其在WQA Industry Update和其网站上的发表的一篇文章以后,这封信还是没有得到回应.这篇文章后来被water industry publication转载,后者产生了更为广泛的关注
9 P( j. K- n( @1 g6 f! Z7 P/ }8 I3 e) f0 C2 E; Z2 O: _2 x  R: F. ?
结果是 agency 的公共信息部门将那篇曲解软水的文章从其网站上取消下来.他们后来还要求他们的与WQA一起工作的员工澄清软化水方面的误解和不实的信息. 9 f5 W, N$ G" K4 {

' H  a2 p8 x" c  {1 E+ B/ b0 _' C, Y笔者注:鉴于water utility保证按照我们的要求取消这篇文章,我们在原文章中取消了发布者和编辑的名字.全文如下::  - c! `$ K1 ], u1 j+ ]
(WQA 挑战在water utility's 网站上发表的曲解软化水的文章)
+ k8 e9 q$ w( G: h* o* ^: S) G- L6 n1 X0 f- e* f0 p
Originally posted 1/9/06, updated 1/17/06 原文编辑06年1月1号.更新:06年1月17号 8 _$ p$ x: s! ]$ v' r# R: w9 [

# b3 T! }/ t5 Z) \6 j WQA从事情的一开始就与曲解水处理的错误信息战斗. 并且我们最近的一次挑战是和美国城市供水部门与其一些有关软化水的错误之间展开的 & N9 r5 \! _  D5 K. F
6 ]4 {9 v$ Y# O, C/ x+ t9 v9 P7 |% s
供水部门在其网站上发表了一篇文章标题为:软水,不要喝.在文章中,针对软化水设备与其原理的一些偏颇的和不正确的描述被列出来,在城市供水的眼里,软化水是不可以使用的.在这些令人误解甚至错误的表述中,这篇文章的主旨是说明软化水因为过滤掉了金属离子而更加富有侵略性,因此软化水只能被考虑使用在洗衣服上面.那些类似沸石的珠子(其实是指软化树脂)有可能被虹吸到卫生间的管道系统中,从而腐蚀这些重要的管道,并且软化水还会导致人体多余的纳离子吸收.8 j( a' Q% f, p- q" I3 D6 G3 p9 _

0 [( y1 N' Y( M- q在11月9日,WQA的技术主管Joseph F. Harrison, PE, CWS-VI,写了一封信给供水部门的公共信息部门,反驳那篇文章的错误并且要求他们取消这篇文章从而避免形成公众观点和误传。以下就是从这封信中的节选:( o4 E! D4 V2 q1 e3 Q# x6 C

9 a* c6 x0 k8 ]5 C" p0 B阳离子交换法不会产生对管道具有破坏作用的软水。与这个问题密切相关的问题是水中的钠离子是否具有腐蚀性。这个是离子交换法唯一成生得附产物(指钠离子增加)。答案当然是否定得。没有任何化学原理说明钠离子交换钙镁离子的过程会影响水的腐蚀性。
4 D) }; @1 g! a. P' @3 m  C7 y' p+ s$ J, y1 e
1999年8月Journal AWWA上一篇标题名为: 离子交换软化:影响水中的金属浓度.的文章,…报道了US EPA关于离子交换软化法在水的腐蚀性上面的影响 这个问题上的研究报告.作者报道中写到: 结果显示除去硬度离子的家用软化水不会对各式各样的含有铅铜锌的家庭管道的材料造成更高的金属溶解度.此外,软化水在其他几个重大的水质参数在影响金属的溶解度和腐蚀度方面也是没有改变的.比如: PH值,总无机碳,溶解氧,余氯,温度和磷酸盐。
# R6 m5 V* H; H4 n
- w. b1 r  V9 t# D( h& H) j这项研究对未被证明的软化水导致腐蚀或者从水管中滤取金属离子的观点给出了结论。在饮用水影响健康方面,含有钙镁离子的硬水与还有等量钠离子的软水对健康的影响是没有区别的。正如您从网上看到的:软化水仅仅是将几种无毒的元素交换成了一种无毒的元素
$ }/ ~5 b( M: w
8 `" K6 [0 B8 G3 Z+ ^从健康的角度来讲,离子交换软化水所增加的钠离子总量(1mg/l的总碳酸钙当量的硬度去除需要0.46mg/l 的钠离子)是无关紧要的和微不足道的。您知道么?一个使用家用阳离子交换软化水方法将1200mg/l的碳酸钙硬度或者75格令每加仑的硬度的水软化后所增加的钠离子总量还没有超过美国食品和药品管理局所限定的低钠饮料的标准
' B" G% m/ i' C, S  O! p4 O4 _! K5 L1 w! C/ L
针对这句表述:如果您的水的硬度超过7格令每加仑,你也许就希望考虑使用软水来洗衣服了。其实多少的水硬度都会显著的影响洗衣服,这是真实的,就像水硬度也会对加热器,洗碗机,淋浴设施和洗澡产生负面的影响。洗衣机在除灰尘和污垢方面 表现的越来越没有效力,衣服渐渐的变得灰白和黑暗,感觉变的粗糙和发痒。玻璃器具干了以后会有一些污点。浴室里,淋浴器,窗帘,墙上和浴盆都会失去光泽。超过1GPM硬度的水用来洗头发都会让头发看起来枯燥的和感觉不干净。在热水器里面,热量会导致水中的钙镁离子变成碳酸盐形式的锅垢,这些锅垢随着时间渐渐堆积,并且延缓加热过程导致能源使用增加。" s: s* M- @* P% o7 H) J+ ]" h
3 w5 t' A+ R" u/ ~( {
# C  U' `. r$ D
5 k) H5 \+ c# u5 X/ W针对这句:软化水,除了会滤取铅制管道或其他管道的金属离子外,也会增加您的钠的吸取量。这种说法会让你的陈述会让人产生过度的担忧和误解。! }9 s" @2 Q  ?: c) B  x! {
& x" s3 v0 @- S% F8 k
针对这句: 这些设备运行起来也是昂贵的,因为没1000加仑的软水使用量就要浪费120加仑的水. 现代效率高的软水机每次再生只需要50升的水, 在市政自来水的基础上,一个普通的家庭可以每2周再生一次,每次使用50加仑的水.这个比洗衣店每2周自动清洗一次设备所用的水少—可以看出不是昂贵的和浪费的.
$ d9 o# n' l  d  K/ x  @& f, C( \3 J. R1 g( @
针对这句: 软化水对洗衣房,浴室,蒸气熨斗,自动电池是好的,但是对其他方面是不好的. 其实软化水的好处有:
3 m) d  W' e. V7 \. s6 T5 Z
6 v5 Z5 u* x1 U1 M可以让玻璃器具,碗碟,和其他设备充满光泽和发亮6 @  \) ?1 E! T2 F* w

6 a2 U8 O) ^) H6 L6 ~' M- h( Y消除肥皂凝乳等的堆积,使您的皮肤和头发更加干净(柔滑的感觉)
1 ^3 Q0 Y2 P; g
- d8 H! m, [5 d" l9 Q3 Z* [2 [节省大量的清洗时间7 t8 d. g: Z: V7 u" ?+ W

" v1 o: H8 q' _, _$ [9 d1 }  
' o7 v0 C( {# U7 Q+ f节省约50%的洗衣粉和肥皂用量,节约洗发水,化妆品和清洗产品的使用量
8 B. S% d) u) U& m7 X
# Z1 X! }/ W: {8 S& y! N' F5 O1 I- O可以去除热水系统里面存在的水垢,去除淋浴头上面的水垢和浴室浴盆上面的污点5 _" `4 t# G( G! I, v

7 w: W4 l8 W. _5 L& Q) H' F# A可以帮助一些干性皮肤的调理,比如说湿疹
' j9 v/ T; u) f6 y4 V  b6 v  p4 l" b2 x+ Z/ O4 k
1 p: U0 [( `! j- a0 U8 H& _  |5 n0 u: v. N3 L' ?
针对这句: 谁会来测验软化水的效率?这些测试需要运行多少次?我的饮水系统将会受到怎么样的影响?
- |" {  C' `) [1 @软水的作用可以由用户清楚的看到.当玻璃器具,衣服,皮肤,浴室里的设备都变得更干净了,更容易去保持了,这很容易去观察和意识到.同样的事实在淋浴器上和加热设备上都发生了.无论如何,这里有可用的非常简单的试剂真实的测量和确定水的硬度和软水系统的运行效率.任何一个水处理设备公司都将为有兴趣的居民提供测试硬度的方法.% c7 n& e% y) d# B1 ^* U

0 Q- c" ?& D  H非常重要的是让每一个人去理解离子交换软化方法的过程,特别是水的软化不能导致也不能控制水的腐蚀性,也不会导致健康疾病.
& R. V  F* p4 C6 a/ q1 g! Q7 l/ T' g) D# C
Harrison通过一句表述结束了他给water utility写的信: 你的网站上的信息包含了不准确的和不端正的表述,他们不公平的伤害了每一个已经安装了软水系统的用户,也伤害了正在考虑购买软水产品的用户.软化水既不会伤害健康,也不会影响饮用.
6 G) N  t7 E. X7 G2 Q$ a, V# T# R/ D( G; E5 F& g' v" c
& q7 _, o: h9 Y5 j. f' U/ ^  p7 y+ g4 H( Q$ @
如果您要成为我们专家中的一员,去和别的组织去交流潜在的水质方面的不正确的信息.请联系 630 505 0160.
发表于 2007-8-11 13:24 | 显示全部楼层
! V' V/ }8 w; s2 d7 C
. A; i6 ^% j- q3 Y& {& {注意:这篇文章是针对美国的水写的. : L$ `% U2 N5 F9 N* x
  R; Q5 R- L( W5 ^- C4 y) F) m* w1 B
美国的水的硬度普遍不高.所以他们的软化过的水是可以喝的 % D/ ?* P6 i0 N( @: s7 ]; \

$ [" X2 T" \' j  Q2 U* [! j; z) Z  R3 {这篇文章不能适用在中国的中部及以北的地区.因为这些地方硬度较高,软化后的水纳离子含量超过国家标准.所以就不能喝了.短期喝也没事
发表于 2007-8-27 11:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-29 13:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-9-1 09:09 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 bear.wu 于 2007-8-29 13:23 发表
5 V: e7 V, o$ Y: ~+ x楼上的看来得补补软化水方面的功课了.

9 u$ g5 w! m" n该补的应该不是我吧,现在我公司用的滤芯就有阳离子树脂,专为北方设计的
发表于 2007-9-13 14:16 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-18 14:46 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 hechengyuquan 于 2007-9-13 14:16 发表
. g  U7 Y' N5 a9 d软化水中的钙镁含量少这是不争的事实。而人体的吸收的钙有30%-40%需要在水中摄取,因此,儿童不宜饮用软化水,影响骨骼生长。

  v0 r" z. s  \/ ^- R8 v" m$ v4 I, h' \' k/ b! G/ f1 l/ U9 p' B

1 ~- j, K# Q0 T& i; z& y5 p其他的我不知道.可以肯定的是
1 K, @# |  O6 j/ F4 `3 J, b$ H+ O( x
- w+ [6 L5 h0 L6 {& x"人体的吸收的钙有30%-40%需要在水中摄取"
  d5 z9 r4 m6 {6 Q$ K6 M9 N, b4 M0 {/ p+ p5 V( w2 L( q2 t
( P, T1 G# F" o7 R; t% x
. N; B: [9 @. D5 p" K按这个说法,海边的人或是生活在河流入海口附近的人就没办法跟其他地区的人比了??..% X! s, c/ Z! X1 q" _; w
最直接的: 北部如山东沿渤海湾或青岛等地...中部到江苏/浙江/上海...南部如广东一带...西部如黄河沿岸上游土地盐碱化相对严重的甘肃/陕西等地区...很多地方都是属于低钙高钠地区...西安一带由于引黑水河进城,自来水硬度多数在150-200ppm之间; 山东的东营一带,硬度最低也有100左右的, 钠含量反而比多数地区经软化后的水还要高(海水的影响)...
$ ~8 Z& Z3 ?) V% [; X5 m9 E: {* C7 U7 A) i$ D3 q/ ?, G  K( R
0 j* q" b+ g/ E! ^" h对于大多数地区,不推荐直接饮用软化水是因为软化过程没办法去除水中可能的病毒/病菌/微生物/有机物,也没办法去除溶于水的其他的物质等(只能去除部分重金属离子)..而跟原水硬度/出水钠含量没关系..自己稍微算一下就知道了.
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